Face Mapping is a revolutionary approach to skin analysis. Using the zones as a guide, the esthetician is able to conduct an inch-by-inch, methodical analysis of the facial landscape, guaranteeing that the subsequent professional treatment and home-care prescription will fully address each client's concerns and skin needs.

Dehydrated Skin
This skin type simply lacks water and is the #1 skin condition. There may be fine lines, so it is often mistaken for dry skin, crepe paper is a good analogy. However, there will also be evidence of other types of skin (clogged pores and blackheads, for instance). Reddening, dryness or flaking around the nostrils, broken blood vessels or a chapped appearance are the key indicators to look for. As well as increasing water intake, use essential oils that help to heal the skin and balance out any sebum production.

Zones 1 & 3
Traditionally, this zone is regarded as the "sister" to the bladder and digestive system. If you breakout frequently in this area, it might mean that you need to improve your elimination by drinking more water and eating more "whole" foods.


Zone 2
The middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows, is related to the liver. Congestion in this zone can indicate over consumption of alcohol, rich foods, and possibly a food allergy (such as lactose intolerance).


Zones 4 & 10
The ears are a highly sensitive area related to the kidneys. If you notice that your ears are very hot, you might be stressing them out – drink plenty of plain water and cut down on caffeine and alcohol.


Zones 5 & 9
The cheeks often give an accurate glimpse into any respiratory distress. Smokers or people suffering from allergies generally experience fine, broken capillaries or congestion in this area.


Zones 6 & 8
The eyes are truly a window to the body's health because they're related to the kidneys. Dark circles , while often hereditary, are made worse by dehydration and poor elimination.


Zone 7
A reddened nose can indicate heightened blood pressure, or the early stages of rosacea. Congestion around the upper lip can occur if you use comedogenic lipsticks or liners.


Zones 11 & 13
If you've had extensive dental surgery done, you might notice a breakout along the jaw line, near the ears.


Zone 12
Breakouts or unusual hair growth can indicate hormonal imbalance, possibly caused by extreme stress. Premenstrual breakouts are also very common on the chin.


Zone 14
Don't forget to include your neck in your treatment regimen - its skin is just as fragile as that on your face, so it definitely needs the benefits of moistuisation and sun protection.


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